Sunday 18 December 2016

Nativity chalk art

This was a nice, easy craft for our nativity Sunday. They could choose anything they liked from the Christmas story. We've been focussing a lot on the prophecies of Jesus as king this Christmas, hence the crowns. I think the tall picture is the temple from Simeon & Anna.

You can currently get 25 sheets of black card for £1 from Poundland, which is pretty good.

Before that, we played Nativity story pass the parcel - idea from Flame Creative Kids. Though I used mostly pictures from the wise men story (not christmas cards), as we'd already done Jesus' birth and Simeon & Anna, so that was the next installment.

And because they were young children who were ever so slightly wound up, I pochled it to make sure that I got the final prize - I wasn't sure how any of them would take being told they had to share it with everyone else :-)

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