Sunday, 23 March 2025

A grammatically correct sentence

He said that that that that that editor had inserted was in the incorrect place.

(Though while this would be completely fine in spoken English, anyone who wrote like that would certainly need an editor.)

Tuesday, 11 March 2025

The incongruity of TV adverts.

"Your plan is flawed. Scorpius will not chase the transport. Because there is one thing he values more than his precious base... Chocolate eggs." 
~ Farscape Season 1 episode 22 / Reese's ad

Monday, 3 March 2025

DIY advice my dad gave me

When drilling, make a little pocket out of scrap paper, and fix it to the wall with masking tape. Then all the plaster/brick dust will fall into the pocket, instead of onto the floor. Throw the pocket away - no cleanup neccessary!

A drill about to drill a hole, above a paper pocket.


Saturday, 1 March 2025

Easter stickers

I'm not very good at updating this blog with my actual art 🤦

I've recently got easter stickers printed.

First, some brand NEW designs, aimed at younger children, or new contacts who know very little about Jesus. Still the focus on Jesus' death and - especially - resurrection. Nice and cheerful and Eastery. Lots of eggs! But avoiding the wall-to-wall pastels and fluffiness that is characteristic of lots of Easter stuff.

 I also reissued my classic Easter designs as paper stickers. Aimed at primary school children. More depth on why Jesus died and rose - probably best for church kids who know the basics. Leaning into the sometimes ghoulish tastes of small boys💀!
A picture of 12 square sticker designs. Colours are mostly red, black, green and yellow,  1) Bread & wine. Text: Jesus said, Remember me 2) Palm leaves. Text: Hosanna! 3) A gold cross with radiating lines. Text: Jesus loves me 4) A cross against a splash of blood. Text: Christ died for our sins 5) Silhouette of 3 crosses agains red sky. Text: Jesus died for me! 6) Cross made from coins. Text: Jesus paid for us 7) Broken chain. Text: Jesus sets us free! 8) Sunrise behind 3 crosses. Text: The Son has risen 9) Empty tomb. Text: Jesus is alive! 10) A seedling. Text: Jesus gives new life 11) A skull. Text: Jesus has beaten death 12) An Easter egg with a cross on it. Text: Thank you Jesus!
A sheet of easter stickers with a toy roman soldier, green leaves, plastic eggs and an easter chick
I have other Easter stickers still available while stocks last. Find them all here.

Thursday, 27 February 2025

Quirky Sunday School leaders

Came across this in an old magazine I found lying around in church. I liked it.

Embrace the lady who is not seriously on the Asperger's scale, but is unusual. Part of her unusualness lies in her ability to design a £2 torch out of A4 paper, paperclips and a dumpster dive at the local hardware shop. She wants to do it not just because she can but because she knows that Jesus is the light of the world, and that children who do the torch activity will have the torch and handwritten Bible verse sitting on top of their fridge with the other torches for months to come. (This idea may or may not be based on the observation of the top of the author's fridge.)

Embrace as one of the team the unemployable man who really needs as much looking after as any of the children because of his disability issues, but radiates pure joy at being part of the team. Yes, you had to recruit another team member to look after him. No, any sensible analysis says he should have been gently moved aside to whatever places such men are gently moved aside to. But his heart is for the gospel, and has been for many years, and now he is here on the team, and who really knows how God will use him. Perhaps he will simply be a drain on resources. Is this actually bad for the gospel?

(Sorry didn't take a note of the author, but it was an issue of The Briefing from 2013, I think)

Bad design

If you need to cover your carton of fabric softener in huge ugly DO NOT DRINK warnings, maybe consider that putting it in a carton identical to a juice carton is not the best idea.

Also, there's no braille warning.